(from 1980 to 1987)

[...] Using the instruments of painting with absolute freedom, Balsamo produces
a catalogue of data with a precise function, that is to establish a contact - more private than
aesthetic - made dynamic by the quickness of optical-perspective movements, looking for a dialetic
relationship where the significant element, that is man, may be present even if physically absent.
He obtains that throught an accretive process of form, inside which, as in the flux of breating,
the shifty image creates singular suspensions where his itinerary gets to maturity. [...]
Vito Apuleo
(by: E. Crispolti, Vincenzo Balsamo, monography, 1992, p. 58, ed G. Corbelli)

If you are interested in purchasing the showed works below, click here.
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Composizione vivace

Oggetti sul tavolo


Hot emotions
(Calde emozioni)

A night... at Venice
(Una sera... a Venezia)

Boring day
(Giornata uggiosa)

Spazi Tonali

Passaggio a Nord-Ovest

La casa con i muri bianchi

Geometrie astratte

Segni arcaici

I contendenti

Architetture misteriose

Un lampo di luce

Senza titolo

Senza titolo


The letter
(La Lettera)

Le prime ore della sera


Susseguirsi di cromie

La vela lascia il porto


Romantic recall
(Ricordo romantico)

Laughing hills
(Colline ridenti)

The "Harbor"... discovery
(Il "Porto"... ritrovato)

Youth remember
(Ricordo di gioventù)


Objects in evolution
(Oggetti in evoluzione)

Mysterious architectures
(Architetture misteriose)


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